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About us


Grace under pressure

Aperture Photographic is a full-service media production and communication company that has been producing branded digital content for over two decades. Our extensive storytelling experience focuses on helping our clients to tell their stories through the medium of design, photography, and film.


Interview still from an interview with US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright


Location: Toronto/Canada -2021

Location: Manchester/UK - 2019

Location: Washington D.C./USA - 2019

Interview still with ChargerQuest Founder & CEO Christopher Misch

Interview still from an interview with Toronto community leader Kwasi Adu-Poku

Interview still from an interview with Nobel Peace Prize winner and Vietnam War Veteran Bobby Muller

Interview still with former Canadian Ambassador to Russia Ralph Lysyshyn

Interview still from an interview with retired Canadian Senator Romeo Dallaire

Our producer/cinematographer Toby Proctor on location in the Yukon Territory - 2019

Location: Geneva/Switzerland - 2018

Location: Washington D.C./USA - 2018

Filming the war in Afghanistan (middle) with War Photographer Louie Palu and journalists Christie Blatchford & Rosie Dimano - 2006

Location: Toronto/Canada 2019

Early Days…Filming landmine clearance with UK based filmmaker Tom Peppiatt in Northern Cambodia - 2007