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Commercial Videos


SHOW. Don’t Tell.


Aperture Photographic is a full-service media production and communication company that has been producing branded digital content for over two decades. Our extensive storytelling experience focuses on helping our clients to tell their stories through the medium of design, photography, and film.


ChargerQuest is one of Canada’s fastest growing electric

vehicle charging station network.

Working with the Aperture Photographic team was a remarkable experience. They took our vision and brought it to life in ways that we could not have imagined. Consummate professionals that leverage passion, creativity and high quality production in all aspects of what they do. We call Aperture Photographic an extension of the ChargerQuest team!
— Christopher Misch, CEO ChargerQuest Inc.

Harry Rosen is the largest upscale menswear retailer

in Canada with 17 stores across the country.

We have worked with Richard and Toby on several marketing projects over the last decade. They excel at making their clients comfortable and at ease in front of the camera, and the production quality of their work exceeds our expectations every time. Their entire catalogue of content has created has brought tremendous value to our business. We always recommend their services to our colleagues and friends.
— Dr Balaji Swaminath Partner, Martindale Dental Group

Wellth is a boutique pharmacy based in downtown Toronto.


Freightera Logistics is a Vancouver-based online freight marketplace

that allows businesses to get road or rail transport quotes from North

American carriers, and make direct shipment bookings.


Okanagan Ice Pops is a gourmet popsicle

company based in Kelowna B.C.